Package-level declarations


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class JsPreviewException(message: String = "") : Exception

Exception connected with JS Preview plugin


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const val BUILD_DIR: String

Build dir name

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Exception message for no project dir guessed


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fun PsiElement.getIdentifier(): FqName?
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fun Project.getPathOrException(exceptionMessageBuilder: () -> String = { NO_PROJECT_DIR }): VirtualFile
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fun KtAnnotationEntry.getUsages(project: Project): Collection<KtAnnotationEntry>

Get usages of this in project

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fun KtProperty.isAnnotatedWith(annotationShortName: String): Boolean
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fun PsiElement.isParentTopLevelPropertyAnnotatedWith(annotationShortName: String): Boolean
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fun PsiElement.isTopLevelPropertyAnnotatedWith(annotationShortName: String): Boolean
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fun PsiElement.isValKeyword(): Boolean
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fun PsiElement.isValOfPropertyAnnotatedWith(annotationShortName: String): Boolean
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fun VirtualFile?.orException(messageBuilder: () -> String = { "" }): VirtualFile