
class RootWrapperCountsInspection : AbstractKotlinInspection


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object Companion


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open fun buildVisitor(@NotNull p0: @NotNull ProblemsHolder, p1: Boolean): @NotNull PsiElementVisitor
open fun buildVisitor(@NotNull p0: @NotNull ProblemsHolder, p1: Boolean, @NotNull p2: @NotNull LocalInspectionToolSession): @NotNull PsiElementVisitor
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open override fun checkFile(file: PsiFile, manager: InspectionManager, isOnTheFly: Boolean): Array<ProblemDescriptor>
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open fun cleanup(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Project)
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open fun createOptionsPanel(): @Nullable JComponent?
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open override fun getAlternativeID(): @NonNls @Nullable String?
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open override fun getBatchSuppressActions(@Nullable p0: @Nullable PsiElement?): @NotNull Array<SuppressQuickFix>
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open fun getDefaultLevel(): @NotNull HighlightDisplayLevel
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open fun getDescriptionFileName(): @Nullable String?
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@Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Sentence)
open fun getDisplayName(): @Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Sentence) @NotNull String
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@Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Sentence)
open fun getGroupDisplayName(): @Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Sentence) @NotNull String
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open fun getGroupKey(): @NonNls @Nullable String?
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@Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Sentence)
open fun getGroupPath(): @NotNull Array<@Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Sentence) String>
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open fun getID(): @NonNls @NotNull String
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open fun getMainToolId(): @NonNls @Nullable String?
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open fun getProblemElement(@NotNull p0: @NotNull PsiElement): @Nullable PsiNamedElement?
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open fun getShortName(): @NonNls @NotNull String
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open fun getStaticDescription(): @Nullable @Nls String?
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open fun initialize(@NotNull p0: @NotNull GlobalInspectionContext)
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open fun inspectionFinished(@NotNull p0: @NotNull LocalInspectionToolSession, @NotNull p1: @NotNull ProblemsHolder)
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open fun inspectionStarted(@NotNull p0: @NotNull LocalInspectionToolSession, p1: Boolean)
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open override fun isSuppressedFor(@NotNull p0: @NotNull PsiElement): Boolean
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open fun loadDescription(): @Nullable @Nls String?
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open fun processFile(@NotNull p0: @NotNull PsiFile, @NotNull p1: @NotNull InspectionManager): @NotNull MutableList<ProblemDescriptor>
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open fun readSettings(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Element)
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fun ProblemsHolder.registerProblemWithoutOfflineInformation(element: PsiElement, description: String, isOnTheFly: Boolean, highlightType: ProblemHighlightType, vararg fixes: LocalQuickFix)
fun ProblemsHolder.registerProblemWithoutOfflineInformation(element: PsiElement, description: String, isOnTheFly: Boolean, highlightType: ProblemHighlightType, range: TextRange?, vararg fixes: LocalQuickFix)
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open fun writeSettings(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Element)