
external class I18n

Represents the i18next instance.

This external class corresponds to the i18next JavaScript library's main object.


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The current language code in use.


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fun changeLanguage(language: String)

Changes the current language.

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fun exists(key: String): Boolean

Checks if a translation key exists.

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Checks if a namespace has been loaded.

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fun I18n.init(configurationBuilder: I18nConfiguration.() -> Unit): Promise<TranslationFunction>

Initializes the i18next instance with a type-safe configuration.

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fun initInternal(configuration: dynamic, callback: (dynamic, dynamic) -> Unit = definedExternally): Promise<TranslationFunction>

Initializes the i18next instance with the given configuration.

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fun t(key: String): String

Translates a given key.

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fun use(module: dynamic): I18n

Uses a plugin or module with the i18next instance.